Otty Lake is located in Lanark County, Eastern Ontario. The OLA is committed to the long term health and enjoyment of our lakes and the watershed.

State of the Lake
The 2024 State of the Lake report has been posted. This report summarizes for our members the environmental conditions of Otty Lake this year. Thanks to those who contributed reports and the volunteers who put it together. Past versions of the report area available on our Environment Page.
Protecting Bass Populations
The Big Rideau Lakes Association is working with the Fisheries Conservation Foundation to lobby the province for a bass sanctuary program. Pilot projects have taken place on Opinicon and Charleston Lakes. Listen to this radio interview with Hansen Downer on 88.1 myFM news.
Listen to the Interview
Read Why Bass Spawning Sanctuaries (BSS)?
Read BSS Frequently Asked Questions
October Newsletter
Our October Captain Otty’s Log has been distributed. Read stories on the tornado, meet Dave Windholz, hear about foxes, learn about bass sanctuaries, find out when to expect your personal Love Your Lake report and get other useful updates.
Shoal Marking
Please note that all OLA shoal markers have been removed for the season. Please be extra cautious when boating this time of year.
The OLA would like to thank all of the volunteers who have made this program a success, including: Fred Ager, Bob Butterworth, Judith Code, Thomas Geiger, Mike MacPhee, Christine Melville, Don Smith, Peter Sullivan, Kevin Terrion, and Chris Tyler (apologies if any omissions).
Water Levels Beginning to Decline
Many waterfront property owners will be relieved to know that water levels began to decline August 20 when the RVCA removed three beaver dams between the Rideau Ferry crossing and the Perth Wildlife Reserve. Lake levels have been exceptionally high this summer, largely due to the heavier than usual rainfall in June and July. It will take some time to return to more normal levels as there is a lot of water stored in the adjacent wetlands. See this email message for more.
Water Levels
It was mentioned at our AGM that the the RVCA has installed a real time water level gauge to monitor Otty’s lake level. The link is on the “Other Water Issues” page under the Environment tab. You can see in mid July how the lake level has been rising.
Annual General Meeting
Sun. July 14, Perth Legion
Minutes of the 2023 AGM
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Income Statement 2023
2024 Budget and YTD Expenses
AGM Presentation
Draft 2024 AGM Minutes
Love Your Lake Reports Coming February 2025
All Otty Lake shoreline properties were surveyed from the water over the two weeks July 22 to August 2. In the spring residents will be able to access a confidential report to learn more about their shoreline with an individualized report. By combining all the data, the OLA will get an overall picture of how shorelines have changed since the 2013 (and 2005) surveys. Love Your Lake is a program of Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
See more on our webpage.
See Love Your Lake’s webpage.
Watch a 12 minute presentation by Melissa Dakers on the program.
Love Your Lake Values Survey.
Volunteers Needed
The Otty Lake Association is in need of Lake Ambassadors. We are looking for volunteers who are outgoing and enjoy talking to their neighbours. As a Lake Ambassador you will reach out to your neighbours with the idea of promoting our wonderful lake and the activities and events that the Otty Lake Association organizes and supports. Normally, this is done once a year, in the spring, as part of our membership drive. Most Lake Ambassadors spend 5 to 10 hours a year on this important activity.
We are particularly in need of volunteers in the areas of: Otty Lake South West Shore Road, Sunset Ridge, McKay Farm Road, Bishops Way, Sunset Drive, Maple Glen, and McLaren Point.
If you are interested in supporting our lake association this might be the volunteer opportunity for you. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, please get in touch through: [email protected].
Watershed Conditions Report
A new detailed analysis from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has found many parts of the Rideau River Watershed are changing fast – and not always with positive results. The RVCA’s 193-page Watershed Conditions Report is the first of its kind in more than 50 years.The analysis found several concerning trends including a continuing steep decline in large woodland patches, increasing chloride levels in our urban streams, and large shifts in surface water flow patterns linked to increased development and loss of wetlands.
Etransfer Your OLA Membership Fees
In order to continue the OLA’s work and education around the lake, we do rely on your membership dues. Please consider paying your $25 dues by e-transfer to [email protected] The security question to input is “province we live in”, and the answer is “Ontario”. Please include some identifying details in the message, such as your address, or if you are a couple, both of your names. We have had a few submissions we have struggled to identify!
if you prefer, you can mail a cheque made out to the Otty Lake Association for $25 to Otty Lake Association, Box 20122, Perth, ON K7H 3M6.
Online Registration Available
for Open Air Burn Permits
A permit is required for all open air burning. Burn permits expire every year on November 30. Please remember to renew or apply for your FREE fire permit for the 2022-2023 year. Complete your permit application online or call 613-267-2596.
Contribute Your Observations to iNaturalist
Discover and track the species that make their home in and around Otty Lake. We invite you to help us create an ongoing catalog of the wildlife for the area. This library will help us gain insight into the distribution and seasonality of the organisms in our region. It will help the scientific community through records of wildlife movements, invasive species, species at risk as well as sharing observations among friends. Visit the website or download the app.
Messages From The OLA
Missed an email from the OLA? Here are the last 20 e-blasts sent to members.
Lanark County Fire Bans
No open air burning is permitted in Lanark County from April 1st – May 15th each year (subject to change). This includes campfires and burn barrels.
Otty Lake Shoreline Handbook
The Otty Lake Shoreline Handbook provides practical, environmentally friendly information on erosion, shoreline buffers, water sources, septic systems, docks, lawns, and more. Last updated April 2017.
Info on Septic Systems
Some things you should know about septic tanks installed near Otty Lake.