Otty Lake Association

Welcomes You!


New 2021 Map

A new version of an Otty Lake Map was produced in 2021 for residents. This 18″ x 24″ map is essentially an update of the 2010 map, with island names included, shoals marked, and a 30 m zone noted, as well as a few other changes. Maps are being provided free of charge to paid up OLA members through the area counsellors. The cost for non-members, or for extra copies, is $5.00. Please contact Ian McDonald for details.

Click on the map below to access a full PDF version.


2008 Land Use Map

The Otty Lake Association map created in 2008. Click to enlarge or view map in PDF.

Aerial photos of the lake 1953 courtesy of the RVCA, from left to right: the south, middle and north ends of Otty.

Linton Family Map

Bruce Linton shared this map with us: “We have this map of Otty Lake that has been in my wife’s family for over 60 to 70 years. It has hung over the fireplace in the old cottage and now in our home. One of the things that I found interesting on it was that the island that we go to for a swim  at every summer because of the nice sandy beach is called Bell’s Island.” The official name of this island is Cloverleaf.

1816 Map

A section from “Plan of the Water Communication from Kingston to the Grand River” by Joshua Jebb, 1816, Library and Archives Canada, NMC 16814, ecopy n0016814k_a1.