Lake Networking Group (LNG)

In January 2004 representatives from seven local lake associations met for the first time to discuss items of common interest and concern, and recognized that they could all benefit and learn from the experience of one another.

Today representatives from 28 Eastern Ontario lake associations share information by email, and meet two or three times a year.  They discuss common issues, plan workshops to meet identified needs of their lake residents, and support one another to seek support for common issues e.g. lake management planning.

Lake associations in the network include Loughborough Lake and 14 Island Mink Lake to the south, up through Frontenac to lakes such as Buck and Wolfe, Eagle, Bobs and Crow and Kennebec in the west, down through the Rideau Watershed encompassing Farren, Christie,  Little Silver and Rainbow, Pike, Black, Adam, Otty, Otter and over into the Mississippi Watershed for lakes such as Canonto, Dalhousie, Bennett and Fagan and Mississippi.

Tay Valley Township has supported the Lake Networking Group by providing space at the Burgess Hall for their meetings. 

A smaller group of the lake representatives meets once or twice a year with members of the Lanark Detachments of the OPP to discuss issues of safety and security at the local lakes.

The Lake Networking Group has remained an informal gathering of lake representatives united by a common desire to work together and learn from one another.

For more information, see the LNG page that is hosted of the Friends of the Tay Watershed site. You may also contact the group by email: [email protected].